20 Ideas for a Blog Series

By Katy Kauffman, @KatyKauffman28

Fifty-two flavors of ice cream sound exciting. Fifty-two weeks of blog posts sound daunting. But don’t panic. Relieve some of the pressure of blogging weekly by incorporating series into your blogging calendar.

When we write a series on our blogs, we have a plan that relieves anxiety and opens the floodgates of creativity. We can choose the theme, and before we ever start the series, we can brainstorm posts to fit into that theme.

A series can last from one month to three. Allow yourself some spontaneity by scheduling some “random” posts in between the series. Then enjoy a schedule of planned and unplanned topics.

Which of these 20 ideas fit the purpose and style of your blog?

  1. 10 lessons God taught you in 2017
  2. 5 resolutions for the new year and how NOT to give up on them
  3. 4 devotions about your favorite Bible verses
  4. 6 devotions about Bible characters whose stories fit a particular theme (faith, courage, or love)
  5. 4 reviews of books you read or movies you watched in 2017
  6. 4 topics from your current book project (according to your agent or editor’s discretion)
  7. 7 parables Jesus taught in the Gospels and how they apply to life today
  8. 4 reasons why prayer is needed in our generation
  9. 3 unforgettable lessons learned from a parent, mentor, or friend
  10. 5 things in nature that have taught you more about life with God
  11. 3 times that you nearly gave up on something, but God enabled you to persevere
  12. 5 truths that turn life’s trials into treasures
  13. 5 ways for people to dance, not drag themselves, through a busy schedule
  14. 7 meal plans for busy writers (Please share this one with us, so we can see it!)
  15. The story behind the book – 5 reasons why you are writing your current project
  16. 4 short phrases people said to you that changed your life forever
  17. According to the current season, 3 years’ holidays you’ll never forget (Easter, Mother’s Day, Christmas, or so forth)
  18. 5 reasons why Jesus is the Rock in the storms of life
  19. 4 things we can do to show our family and friends we love them
  20. 6 encouraging posts based on your go-to topic—what topic do you always come back to without thinking about it?

Don’t let a new year of posts overwhelm you. Plan now, and save yourself some headaches later. What you write on your blog not only encourages your readers, but allows them to know you and your message better. So brainstorm now, and enjoy a new year of reaching your audience with encouragement, creativity, and the truth.

In the comments below, tell us which of the 20 ideas are your top 3 favorites. Keep blogging, and happy 2018!


Katy Kauffman is an award-winning author, an editor of Refresh Bible Study Magazine, and a co-founder of Lighthouse Bible Studies. Her Bible studies for women focus on winning life’s spiritual battles, and she has the privilege of editing compilations written by Christian authors from around the country. Her next compilation—a Bible study on godly character—releases in the spring of 2018. Katy currently contributes to three blogs, and she loves spending time with family and friends, scrapbooking, and making jewelry. Connect with her at her blog and on Facebook and Twitter.

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    The Conversation

  1. Marilyn says:

    Great ideas, Katy! I’m definitely going to use some of these. Thanks!

  2. I just discovered your blog as I was learning more about the writers conference. Thank you for these ideas on series for a blog. Having just started blogging in October, this is a great list.

  3. Hi Katy

    These are great ideas for blog posts and I so need them. It seems I often write but don’t know what to write about.

    I particularly like the idea of 5 things you learned from nature that taught you more about life with God. Nature almost always makes me see a characteristic of Him. Thanks!

    • Katy Kauffman says:

      I agree. I love writing about nature’s “parables.” Thank you for your comment (even so long ago). God bless you and your writing!

  4. Jeanne Doyon says:

    Excellent ideas. I’ve been in a dry spell with writing for my blog, so I’ll look closely at how I can implement some of these ideas.
    In 2017 wrote a blog series on the book of Esther, a verse at a time in Psalm 146, and in the past, the Seven I Am statements of Jesus.
    A series does help to focus and expand on a theme which I really like.
    Thanks, Katy.

    • Hello, Jeanne! I hope these do help you. It can be hard to think of new topics all the time. Your past series sound like great ones. I love the “I Am” statements about Jesus and anything from the gospel of John. Thanks for commenting, and may this new year be a fresh start on your blog!

  5. Wow, Katy – way too many wonderful ideas to pick only three favorites!! This is an excellent list to get the creative juices flowing! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Jackie Rod says:

    Thanks for the wonderful ideas, Katy. I’m in the process of doing more devotionals.
    You are a blessing.

    • Katy Kauffman says:

      That was kind, Jackie. I don’t know if you’ll see this reply, but I wanted to say thank you! God bless your writing.