Use These Tips to Move Past Writing Rejection

by Cindy Sproles @CindyDevoted

Rejection is not fun. I can’t think of a soul who lives for the next rejection, whether it be in our families, our jobs, or our writing career.

These days when a child is told no, the next thing to expect is wailing . . . maybe a little kicking and screaming, and pouting. All this before the child gets over it and moves past. But if you’re a writer, rejection can become stifling.

We spend hours bent over a computer keyboard typing out the work of a lifetime. There is a vested interest in this work no one else understands, so when we open an email and find that Joe, Editor has “passed” on our manuscript or article. It stings.

I sorted through my file folder of rejection letters last week. In ten years of writing, I’ve gotten more rejections than I have finished projects. It didn’t seem quite right, but as I gleaned through the letters attached to failed works, I realized the value of hindsight.

My first work was a novel I was sure God gifted to me (sound familiar?). I woke up in the middle of the night, rushed into my office and within minutes, I’d plotted out an entire “Lord of the Rings” like kingdom. My characters were in place, the monsters were there. In my eyes, it was a sure-fire thing.

Due diligence was my friend while, over the next three months, I pounded out this great story from God. When the piece was complete, I sent it for a paid critique at the upcoming conference I was to attend. The critiquer, an author of over 50 books, gave me wonderful feedback. He liked the story, remarked it didn’t hold the marks of a first time writer, and he introduced me to the acquisitions editor of a major publishing house – who on the recommendation of my critiquer, asked for the proposal. I was thrilled.

Months passed and finally the mail delivered my proposal back to me with a very nice letter.

Nicely done. The story is strong, the writing good. Though I see potential in this work, I cannot see that this story could stand against works such as Lord of the Rings.

“Really? We all know I’m a much writer than Tolkien. Really?”  I was rejected. Even with the criticism gently tucked between two bits of compliment, it hurt. Years past that work, I can look over it and see why it couldn’t stand against works like Lord of the Rings. The adage hindsight is 20/20 rang true.

Rejection is never easy, but it is part of the process. To succeed we must fail. It’s failure that forces us to practice, learn, and improve. Improvement leads to success. These days I look over the rejection letters and raise a glass. “Hail to the Rejection.” Because of it, I’ll grow to be better.

I’ve since learned, moving past rejection is not as hard as it was in the early years thanks to those hindsight lessons. There’s consolation in knowing even the big time writers still get rejected. Before you curl into the fetal position over rejection letters, follow these tips to get past the hump:

  • Mourn a few days and then get over it.
  • Pull out the suggestions along with a few writing books and study. Learn how to repair the things that helped bring the rejection.
  • Understand there is always a better words and different twists that can improve your work.
  • Write and rewrite.
  • Begin a new work.
  • Move ahead with the determination to be better at what you do. Attitude is everything.

Rejections sting a little but in retrospect, they are the stair steps to success. Choose to look at them with the attitude of persistence and you will climb your way to publication.

Now it’s your turn. What tips do you have for moving past writing rejection? Be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section below.

Cindy Sproles is an award-winning author and popular speaker. She is the cofounder of Christian Devotions ministries and managing editor of Straight Street Books and SonRise Devotionals, imprints of Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. Cindy is the executive editor of and www.inspireafire.comShe teaches at writers conferences nationwide and directs The Asheville Christian Writers Conference – Writers Boot Camp. 

She is the author of two devotionals, He Said, She Said – Learning to Live a Life of Passion and New Sheets – Thirty Days to Refine You into the Woman You Can Be. Cindy’s debut novel, Mercy’s Rain, is available at major retailers. Visit Cindy at and book her for your next conference or ladies retreat. Also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.


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    The Conversation

  1. Cindy, encouraging post. One of the first truths I learned at my first conference, Expect Rejection. My first rejection was at Blue Ridge when I pitched my book. The agent liked it but the idea was not suited for that agency. Since I expected to be rejected a few times I looked at it as one step closer to my publishing goal. Research is key when submitting proposals. You will get rejected if you send it to an agent or publisher who is not looking for that genre.
    After rejection, I pray and ask God to lead me. I remind myself that Jesus was rejected. God is in complete control of our work. He may choose to publish it now or 10 years from now. God has readers in mind for our work or just one reader. We must trust in Him. Thank you for this poignant post, my friend.

  2. You’re right; rejection is hard. Whether in letter or email form, when rejection comes I walk away from my computer and give myself time to think about my submission. Should I rework it or trash it? What am I willing to do to make it acceptable? Study, learn and read more. After fumbling through indecision, I move on to another project and pray for a better outcome until a spark for the dormant manuscript resurfaces. I put my trust in God and know his timing is always perfect.

  3. Sandra Lovelace says:

    Yes. Rejection is no picnic. It’s helpful to share the sting.
    The steps you describe are helpful and inspiring. Thank you.

  4. Sharon Cowen says:

    Whether your work is accepted or rejected, Cindy, I could tell at the Taylor Writing Conference that you are a 100% sweetheart, and that’s the ultimate acceptance.