Why Write Fiction?

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Christian writers are often posed the questions:

“Why fiction when you could be writing nonfiction?”

“If you feel writing is a ministry, a calling from God, then why are you putting your time and effort into story?”

“A real Christian would be writing something with real sustenance, not fiction.”

I used to swallow my displeasure with those questions and quickly compose a gracious response that sounded like I was playing defense for a losing team.

Not any more. I’m proud of what I do and not ashamed of my purpose. After years of following my passion for communicating the written word through story, I simply term the individual questioning my life’s work as a low information reader. These people mean well. After all, isn’t nonfiction the means by which people learn how to live life to its fullest and better themselves?

Not necessarily.

How many abused women purchase books about how to stop a man from beating them? Do those women reach for information on a retailer’s shelf about abused victim’s legal rights, or counseling, or finding courage in the midst of abuse?

  • How many victims of human trafficking find freedom by asking their captor to buy them a book about overcoming trust issues or how to escape an inappropriate relationship?
  • How many addictions were resolved by forcing the sufferer to read a book on the statistics of US drug use?
  • Or the book of Job in the Bible?
  • How many marriages were saved because a woman shoved a book into her husband’s face about how to win back an unfaithful husband?
  • How many relationships survived because a man insisted his wife read books about how to cook, clean, joggle work and home, child care, etc?

You got the picture. It’s unlikely any of the above examples found solace, peace, answers, escape, or courage in a nonfiction book because they were either too frightened to be found reading it, or they simply weren’t interested. But that victim could read a novel about abuse, human trafficking, an addiction, or a failing marriage and learn how someone changed and grew into a better person. A novel provides hope and inspires the reader to make needed changes.

A novel is a non-threatening environment that offers sound solutions to real problems. The abuser, the captor, the addicted person, or the unfaithful spouse will not feel exposed when their victims engage in a novel. The writer plants the seeds of change and subtly challenges the reader to grow beyond her own world.

If the suggestion of using story to change dire circumstances sounds familiar, then you’ve read your Bible. Jesus used stories to convict, teach, and comfort the people to whom He ministered. He orchestrated a means of entertainment through culture to reach the people of His day. Story still meets a psychological or spiritual need in 2016, and I believe story will be a means of helping people until this earth ceases to spin.

I challenge the novelist to explore the passions of her theme and premise. Don’t be afraid to tackle the tough issues with grace and truth within the pages of an excellent story.

Are you up for the challenge?

[reminder]Are you a fiction writer? We want to hear your thoughts.[/reminder]

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DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have DiAnn Mills headshotappeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. Library Journal presented her with a Best Books 2014: Genre Fiction award in the Christian Fiction category for Firewall.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Suspense Sister, and International Thriller Writers. She is co-director of The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference and The Author Roadmap with social media specialist Edie Melson. She teaches writing workshops around the country. DiAnn is active online and would love to connect with readers on any of the social media platforms listed at www.diannmills.com.








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    The Conversation

  1. Barbara Diggs says:

    I wanted to shout a hallelujah after that post. You were spot on with expressing the heart of a fiction writer, and it is a ministry! As a former crisis intervention social worker, you are correct about women picking up the novel about their situation rather than the blatant title of their fear or shame. Fiction allows them to identify with the character and know they are not the only one.
    This post also gave me some insight to my former ministries overseas. Countless people made statements asking why do you have to go to Africa or China or Russia when there are so many people here that need ministry. I had to go because I was called and needed to obey Him. Most did not grasp that concept.
    To answer your question, do you write fiction? No, I don’t, but I sure enjoy reading it!

    • DiAnn Mills says:

      Hi Barbara, thank you so much for your response! How encouraging! Whether fiction or nonfiction, we have a ministry!

  2. The LORD led me to move from non-fiction to fiction through the process you describe. I was on the verge of completing a non-fiction manuscript about Naomi when I read Pearl in the Sand by Tessa Afshar. It spoke so powerfully to me that I knew I needed to repurpose my preparations to story.

  3. DiAnn, one of the greatest compliments I can receive is demonstrated in the recent review that said my novel was “unlike any Christian fiction” they’d read previously. Yet I was able to get a message of change and redemption into it. I write fiction because that’s the vehicle in which I feel most comfortable getting a message out about the way God works in our lives…in all things. Thanks for this post.