Transitioning to Storyland

By Darlene L. Turner @darlenelturner

So no matter what your task is, work hard. Always do your best as the Lord’s servant, not as man’s.

Colossians 3:23 (VOICE)

I think we can all agree, these past couple of years are ones we won’t forget. I know friends who’ve lost loved ones, jobs, struggled with self-isolation, and much more. I’m sure many of you have as well.

2020 was an interesting year for me. It held some exciting events. My debut book, Border Breach, released in April and although it launched at the height of COVID-19, it was still a blessing! Yes, all my author signings and in-person launch parties were cancelled. A disappointment for my first publication. However, this was miniscule compared to what was happening in the world.

Little did I know when I left my office on March 13th, 2020, my colleagues and I would work from home indefinitely. What I didn’t realize was—I would never return. I had been contemplating retiring after working with an insurance company for thirty-one years to pursue my dream career of a full-time writer. After lots of prayer, number-crunching with my hubby, encouragement from my sister and others, and what I call “God nudges,” I took a leap of faith. It was time. I retired effective August 1, 2020. 

That was two years ago. What did I learn from transitioning from a full-time quality assurance analyst role into storyland? Lots. Here are a few.

 Take a break before diving in

I worked for this insurance company for thirty-one years and I was tired. I needed to take a break and unwind, so I used up my final two weeks of vacation and finished mid-July. I took that time to do some writing, reading, day-trips with my hubby, and shifting my thoughts away from my previous job. I needed to break free to get my focus into storyland, so I allowed myself to do just that. It worked.

Create a schedule

A friend asked me if I was going to throw out my alarm clock when I retired. I immediately said no! I wanted to stick with some sort of schedule, so I left my alarm clock set at the same time. My schedule quickly formed after trying different routines. I start my day off with a devotion, have breakfast and coffee, check a few emails, and then go for a walk. After that, I dive into my writing. I’ve found that setting a timer for 20 minutes and totally focusing on my story helps keep me focused. Every person needs to find what works best for them and stick with it.

I’ve shifted my mindset

I’ve been told numerous times I looked more relaxed and I know why. I’ve been able to totally focus on what I love. Don’t get me wrong, I was thankful to have a good job for all those years, but it wasn’t my passion. I now go to bed each night thinking about what my characters will do next and I wake up excited to dive into my stories. Being able to write when I want to write and juggle my day accordingly is such a gift.

Did I doubt my decision? Honestly, it scared me as we all know the publication industry is a roller coaster, but, NO I haven’t regretted taking that step and trusting God. 

He’s given us a gift and a calling to write. Whether we do it part-time or full-time doesn’t matter. We write for Him. He will use our storyland to further His kingdom. We just have to take that leap of FAITH and let Him.

I’m so glad I did!

Are you thinking of transitioning full time into storyland?



Darlene L. Turner’s love of suspense began when she read her first Nancy Drew book. She’s turned that passion into her writing and believes readers will be captured by her plots, inspired by her strong characters, and moved by her inspirational message.


Darlene won the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense twice and an ACFW Genesis award. Her debut book, Border Breach, (Love Inspired Suspense) won the Word Award (Romance category) in Canada and was also a double winner at the Selah Awards, taking third place in the First Novel and Romantic Suspense categories. She’s represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of the Steve Laube Agency. She has three books releasing in 2022: Safe House Exposed (Feb 22), Fatal Forensic Investigation (June 28), and Explosive Christmas Showdown(Oct 25).

Darlene met her husband Jeff at the turtle races in Ontario, Canada. She loves flavored coffee and plaid shirts. You can connect with Darlene at where there’s suspense beyond borders.

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