An Ode to Post-Conference Days

blue ridge conference

by Bethany Jett, @BetJett

“Send it to me.”

The four most beautiful words to a writer’s ears at a writers conference. The beautiful rush of validation hits your tired and overflowing mind and soul. The late nights and self-doubts have all been worth it.

Someone important wants your work.

Then you get home and real life hits you full force.

You’re thrown back into the real world of homework, doctor’s appointments, piles of laundry, and yet you’ve changed and grown in ways that aren’t visible to those who love you and want your full attention now that you’re back.

And in the midst of all that, there are projects that need to be redone, proposals to be edited, ripped up, thrown away, revised, and reworked after days and days of teaching sinks in.

Yet this is normal, so I give to you…

An Ode to Post-Conference Days

The proposal isn’t finished;
The creative flow has stopped.
I thought writing would be fun
But all I feel is blocked.

Deadline’s drawing near
There’s panic on my face.
The synonyms are swimming creating
Mistakes to be erased.

The editor is waiting
For my final draft.
What if in the end he hates it,
Thinks I’m no good at my craft?

Deep breaths…
Inhale and release.
Begin again to revise
The A, B, C’s and Z’s.

One word at a time
The sentences will flow
Type, rewrite, delete, proofread
Determined and thorough.

Final edit. Save and send.
Wait with baited breath.
And wait and pray and wait some more
Check the inbox with suspense.

Alas, one day
When I’ve lost my hope and will,
Their reply hits my email
And the entire world stands still.

Another deep breath…inhale. Release.
Shake off all the stress.
No matter their response, I know
I’m truly wonderfully blessed.

[reminder]How did reality hit you after the conference?[/reminder]

Bethany Jett, authorBethany Jett is an award-winning author of The Cinderella Rule, speaker, ghostwriter, and founder of JETTsetter Ink, a consulting and editing company. She has written for numerous publications, created the My Moments Planner, Serious Writer Companion, and is the founder of Serious Writer Academy and the Build Your Brand Program.

Bethany is a military wife and all-boys-mama who is addicted to suspense novels and all things girly. Connect with her at BethanyJett.comFacebook, and Twitter.

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    The Conversation

  1. Bethany, That was beautiful and spot on. I did not go this year, but I went last year. I am invigorated when I return from a conference. My focus returns and I find joy in writing. Thank you for your encouragement.

  2. Thank you for sharing. So true!

  3. I love your poem. And message of hope – they will reply!! And God’s got this, whatever they say.

  4. Reality hits as soon as I get back to work — spring and summer at a medical school are the busiest times of year. I have to hit it hard after the conference ends and real life starts again! But going to the conference is a joy. I love connecting with friends and hearing about all the successes people have had throughout the year.