A Healthy Perspective on Social Media for Christian Writers


Lately I’ve been seeing articles about how some people find personal status updates on Facebook and other social media depressing. Apparently people put on their best “faces” so their lives seem better than yours.

Most of these articles aren’t written from a Christian perspective, so they ignore the fact that most of us ask for prayer through social media. Truly, this is a way to be genuine and to be supported and edified.

But what about those times when we don’t need prayer because of a major life crisis? My hope is — that’s most of the time!

So when there’s no crisis or drama, should we be depressed by other people’s blissful lives? I admit I’m a happy and grateful person but even on my worst day, I don’t find Facebook depressing. Why? Because I look at Facebook as a social gathering. Well, actually, a party.

Now, if you met me for the first time at a party and I was being totally honest, I might say, “Hi! I’m Tamela. I’m sure I’ll be glad I came to this party after it’s over but right now I’d really rather be home watching television with my husband. Wow, these heels felt really awesome in the store but now that I’m standing here, I realize the strap rubs my toes. I think I forgot to put a Band-Aid in my purse. Why don’t they ever have enough chairs at these things? I also hope I remembered to throw a tube of lipstick in my purse to freshen up after eating. Wish I hadn’t taken an egg roll. It’s cold and not as good as it looked. And it’s messy. Oh well. I don’t have lipstick on my teeth, do I? Oh, and how are you? And who are you? And why are you slowly backing away? Hello?”

Even if these were my thoughts, I’d be likely to say, “Hi! I’m Tamela. Tell me about yourself.”

Likewise, don’t you present yourself at your best on social media? After all, we all want people to know our best selves and most of us only let a few people see every dimension of our lives. To expect more from Facebook isn’t realistic. And probably not even healthy.

If you are finding Facebook and other social media to be too depressing, or perhaps just too overwhelming, take a break from the overall experience. In fact, you’ll be on trend, because lots of people are doing the same. But DO keep promoting your books, and DO keep in touch with your true friends, both on and off the Internet. Consider setting up a business page just for promotion, and a private Facebook loop for real friends. Or just call or email them individually.

Then when you’re ready to come back, enjoy the party!

Tamela Hancock Murray has been a literary agent since 2001 and has been involved in the publishing industry for over three decades. She is the bestselling author of more than thirty novels, novellas, and nonfiction books. One of her short historical romance novels,  Destinations, won an RWA Inspirational Readers Choice Award. Tamela is honored to represent many top authors and she continues to develop new talent. She earned her BA with honors in Journalism from Lynchburg College in Virginia. Today she enjoys living in Northern Virginia with her husband of over thirty years. Tamela and her husband are the proud parents of two lovely adult daughters. An avid reader, Tamela can often be found perusing anything from obscure religious texts to the latest bestseller. Tamela loves meeting with authors. Whether you are new to the business, a multi-published author, or somewhere in between, she looks forward to meeting you!

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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. I appreciate those on Facebook who share the good and the bad going on in their lives and ask for prayer support. I like Community! However, I get frustrated with all the political bashing and I opt not to join in or like any of them whether I agree or not. My Facebook friends are important to me and my future as a writer. It’s an excellent way to stay connected to distant family and friends all over the globe. If I get bored or frustrated with excessive posts I stay off social media for a day or two.