A Checklist for BRMCWC 2024

By Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Today’s post has a lot of information that’s been covered in various placed. I thought it would be helpful to put it all in one place. I’ve gone through the questions I’ve seen in email, on Facebook and online and am trying to hit the high points of what most people want to know. If I don’t cover your question, leave a comment and we’ll get you the answer if we can.


Registration begins at 4pm on Sunday afternoon. To ease the time crunch, we’ve moved the Maximize Your Conference Experience orientation class back to 3 – 4 pm. This way you can attend the class then register.

As always we are going to need to be patient while we’re checking in. Personally, long lines frustrate me, but I realize that in certain instances it just can’t be helped. This is one of those instances.

Look on it as an opportunity to hone your spiritual gifts. Instead of condemning those hardworking souls trying to get all of us checked in, let’s blow their minds with joy and kindness. Use this opportunity to practice networking skills with those in line around you and maybe make a new friend or critique partner.

Most of all I’ve had to come to the realization that God doesn’t waste anything in my life—even the waiting.


Our bookstore will be in the atrium area of Spilman (where our large group sessions & virtual classes are located). It is run by Linda and John Gilden. For the entire length of the conference, this is their space to manage—just as if it were a brick and mortar store front. What they say goes (and they’re amazingly sweet people) so if you ask me a question about the bookstore, I’m going to refer you back to them. If you have questions, here’s the link to the Bookstore Page on our website

Book Signing

This event takes place on Tuesday evening and the bookstore will be open during this time so you can purchase additional books. Authors who are at the conference are welcome to take part in this event—whether they are faculty or conferees. We will spread out in Spilman and all who have books in the bookstore (faculty AND conferees) are welcome to sign books!

Meeting with Faculty

One of the highlights of coming to a conference like this is the opportunity to sign up for 15-minute appointments with our faculty. Sign-ups for faculty appointments will take place Sunday evening after the large group session. Each conferee will be allowed to sign up for two appointments on Sunday evening. Then, beginning Monday morning, you’ll be allowed to sign up for more. We do this to make sure that initially everyone has the same opportunities.

Some of you will have also signed up for paid critiques with faculty. THESE PAID CRITIQUES ARE IN ADDITION TO 15-MINUTE APPOINTMENTS. This means you may still sign up for two 15-minute appointments even if you’ve got paid critiques schedule. The paid critique appointments will already be listed on the sign-up sheets when you arrive in the appointment room on Sunday evening.

Deciphering the Classes

We offer three levels of classes.

  • Act I: These are basic classes in that specific discipline or genre. This level is a good choice if you’re new to a particular discipline of writing, or if you want to reinforce the foundation.
  • Act II: These are intermediate in this discipline or genre. These are the majority of our classes and will build on some basic knowledge.
  • Act III: These are more advanced in this discipline or genre. These are for those who really want to take this particular discipline to the next level.
  • These designations (Act I, II, and III) refer to that specific class. It’s possible that you are at an Act II or III level for nonfiction, but at an Act I for screenwriting. This is not an overall rating of where you are in general as a writer.
  • We also have three different types of classes offered at Blue Ridge. Although the length of each individual class session is always an hour and fifteen minutes long.
  • Workshop is a stand-alone class. (One hour and fifteen minutes long) The instructor gives all the information for this class in one session. We do try to repeat some of these workshops at different times, so students can fit them into their schedule. So if you see a workshop listed more than once, it’s a repeat of the information. It’s designated in the schedule with WS.
  • Continuing Class continues over several class times (each session one hour and fifteen minutes long). The instructor presents material that builds on what has been taught in previous class. These can be two, three or four class sessions in length. It’s designated in the schedule with CC.
  • Practicum is a class where the students participate and come away with either an entire or partial project, like a query letter or proposal. A Practicum can be presented within a Workshop or Continuing Class, depending on the time needed for the project. Practicums are NOT recorded.

What to Bring

If you’re part of our Facebook group (Blue Ridge Conference Writers) and you should be—you’ll have noticed that we’ve been discussing one sheets, business cards, proposals, writing samples, etc. in our Mentoring Moments FB Live events with Edwina Perkins and Karynthia Phillips. We do this to help you be prepared, not to scare you. If you want to just come and see what God has, then don’t stress about all the other stuff.

If you’re coming with the idea of pitching ideas and/or finding freelance work, then you’ll need to at least bring business cards and some samples of your writing.

The important thing to focus on is the fact that you’re coming. You have taken the first step and walked through the door God has opened. Only He knows where you’ll end up—but I guarantee it will be more awesome than you imagine—and different than you envision.

All this to say, “Don’t waste emotional energy worrying. God has this. He’s bringing you here for a purpose and it’s to bless, not to curse.”


What to wear? I get this one a lot. Truthfully, I try to present myself professionally. No, not suits or even necessarily business-OFFICE casual. A creative person’s business casual has a different vibe. We can get away with blue jeans and sandals. The idea is to look pulled together, not like you just tumbled out of bed and forgot to clean your clothes or comb your hair.

The bottom line is to always remember that even with the more creative dressing style, you’re meeting with people who have the potential to invest a LOT of money in you and your work. You want to inspire confidence in your ability to take on assignments like a professional.

Also, classrooms can be chilly, so I also recommend you pack a light sweater and dress in layers to insure comfort.


Be comfortable. There is a lot of walking involved. If you like cute shoes with heels, pack a pair of flats to get from one place to another and slip on the more stylish footwear when you arrive. And remember this is NOT the place to try out a new pair. Break in your shoes BEFORE you leave home! (yes, that is experience speaking)


Expect rain. We’re in the mountains and afternoon showers are normal. If you have a weather app, program it for Black Mountain, NC. That will give you the most accurate weather forecast.


The cafeteria serves delicious food. They also code the offerings so you’ll know exactly what’s gluten free, dairy free, etc. If you have dietary restrictions beyond that, call the conference center directly. (800-588-7222)

There is also Clouds Coffee shop. It will be open every day from 7am until 11pm. In addition to Starbucks coffee, they also have an array of sweets, sandwiches, and salads available for purchase.

There is also the Nibble Nook, a place for ice cream and burgers. I don’t know the schedule for when it will be open yet, but the ice cream is on my must have list every time I go!

There are also vending machines, but remember this is a Pepsi campus. If you want Coke products you’ll need to bring them yourself or find someone with a car to take you to a local supermarket.

Keeping Track of Things

Here at the BRMCWC we don’t hand out a full-size conference booklet. Instead we provide an easy-to-keep-track-of trifold schedule that fits in your name badge holder.

If you’re the type who prefers full pages of descriptions that you can mark up, we offer a downloadable PDF list of classes on the website. You can print it out at home and bring it with you. Here’s the link to the downloadable PDF list of classes.

Also, Alycia Morales has provided a downloadable conference worksheet that you can print and fill out. Here’s the link for that: Downloadable Class Schedule

In past years, Ridgecrest has also provided an app. This has been discontinued.

Awards Night

Wednesday is our Awards Night. We’ll be announcing the winners of the Selah Awards, Awards, and the Foundations Awards. A lot of our faculty will be dressing up, but it is NOT required!!!

You’ll see everything from blue jeans to full-length formals. The important thing is that you’re comfortable.

We’ll also be live streaming the awards. The hashtag to follow is #BRMCWC. We’ll have updated information on how to watch from home on the Blue Ridge website as we get closer to the conference.

If you have guests that wish to attend the awards gala, they’ll need to purchase a ticket ($20). Call the conference center directly at 800.588.7222.

General Etiquette

If a faculty member’s 15-minute appointment schedule is full, It’s fine to ask a faculty member for another possible time to meet. You are welcome to walk with them to and from meals, classes, etc. You can find them in the evenings in one of the Mountain Laurel lobbies. BUT it’s never acceptable to infringe on private time. I really hate that I have to bring this up, but it’s not okay to follow them into the restroom and try to pitch something. It’s also a great way to leave a bad impression that will follow you the rest of your short career.

During meals, while sitting at a faculty member’s table, remember that you’re not the only one there. Do not monopolize the conversation. Give others a chance to talk, no matter how exciting it is to finally get to visit with your idol.

While in line for meals, encourage those with disabilities and faculty members to move to the front of the line.

Large Group Meetings

I cannot stress how important it is to attend the large group meetings. It’s not just the AMAZING keynotes that we have lined up, but it’s the information you NEED TO KNOW. We do announcements at the beginning of each large group so you know what’s happening when things change. We also do give-aways and if you’re not present when we call your name, your freebie is given to the next person’s name we call.

Conference Recordings

These are ONLY sold at the beginning and end of large group sessions. And they’re ONLY sold during the conference. It will not be possible to order recordings once the conference is over. Recordings are $85 and we only accept CASH or CHECK. However, there is an ATM in the lobby of Prichell Hall (where you checked in).

This post has already gone on far too long. I’m going to end now, not because I’ve covered everything, but because I’ve run out of room. Take time to go back through the last couple of months of blog posts here on the site. You’ll find a lot of helpful information there. And if you still have questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below!


Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Conversation

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    The Conversation

  1. Anonymous says:

    Are there any volunteer opportunities?

  2. Susana Mendez says:

    Are there any volunteer opportunities?

  3. Amy Williams says:

    Fantastic list!!!