Writer’s Block

writers block

by Sarah Van Diest @SarahVanDiest

What do you do when you have writer’s block? Do you try to write in spite of nothing to pen? Read new books or watch bad movies? Take a long walk off a short pier? What do you do?


Living Near Writer’s Block

I wish there really was a writer’s block, as in a physical block in my neighborhood just for stuck writers. Then we could all meet and chat. Since writer’s block hits every writer at some point and time in life, any one of us could find ourselves visiting. How would you like that? I think it would be great! When we have writer’s block, the Writer’s Block would be right there –  handy, and easy to access. I like this idea. I want to live near that block!

Who would be at your Writer’s Block? I would have you, if you would join me, and so many other friends I’ve met at this blog stop. I would also add famous writers from ions past, like Jane Austen or Thomas Merton, so I could gaze at them and wonder what wonders they were making in their minds

There’s No Shame at Writer’s Block

You know and understand that all who are present at Writer’s Block are there for one reason that does not need to be shame-filled. They came because they don’t know what to write at the moment. They are stuck. Just like I am today. I’m stuck. I’m writing about the fact that I don’t know what to write.

Ha! Irony. I love irony!

I suppose we already have our Writer’s Block right here online. This blog stop and others are available for us to gather and encourage one another. I am grateful for this spot and thankful for each of you.

Writing is not a solitary journey.

Our journey of writing is this: We come to the blank page with much or little, and it takes on the shape of what we pour onto it. Today I pour out from the little I have and the shape the page takes is that of a single, simple idea. I may never create, nor live near, a real Writer’s Block, but I hadn’t even conceived of the idea until I sat down and began to write.

The journey of writing is creative.

Bad ideas or good ideas, what does it matter? Enjoy the journey and find others to enjoy it with you!

I call out to you to give your best strategies for dealing with writer’s block. Ready, set, go!!!

Sarah Van Diest is a writer and editor. She’s the mother of two boys, stepmother to three more, and wife to David.

Sarah wrote God in the Dark as letters to a dear friend whose life was turning upside down. She’s done this for years for numerous friends and will continue to, Lord willing. It’s her gift to them. It’s hope written down.

Sarah Van Deist
When you are in the dark places of your life, Sarah Van Diest offers a companion for the path you are walking. You will find a voice of comfort and truth to call you back to the light, to help you see that you are never alone, never too far gone, and never unloved. This collection of 31 devotions doesn’t minimize the reality of your struggles, but rather points you to where God is—walking right alongside you. Receive this hope in the pain, God in the Dark.

The Conversation

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    The Conversation

  1. Thank you for this post, Sarah. When writer’s block attacks me I push away from my computer, take a walk, or sit on my deck and watch the geese in the lake behind my house. On several occasions, ideas for scenes and twists popped into my head while having dinner with friends. Ha! Good reason to hang out with friends. A writer’s block Facebook page would probably draw a crowd. Just sayin’.

    • Sarah Van Diest says:

      Thank you, Loretta, for your ideas! I love how the Lord works through his creation. Geese! What a great way for him to speak to you! By the way, I checked out the Facebook page idea, because I thought it was a fun one. There already is one by that name, but it isn’t the same as what this would be. Who knows. Maybe we’ll make a block for us to gather together at someday!

  2. Sarah, Thank you for your post. I rarely have writer’s block but when I do, I throw a “block” party with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I praise God for my salvation, the ability to write, and my brothers and sisters in Christ.

    • Sarah Van Diest says:

      Cherrilynn! What a great idea!!! I love it! You tap right into the source for all creativity!!! Wonderful!