Tips for Writing Conference Meetings & Appointments


Some of you reading this may be preparing for the Blue Ridge conference and, in the process, thinking about what meetings to schedule. Here are a few tips I hope will help when thinking about meeting with agents at the conference.

Which Agents Should I Choose?

  1. Here is the link to learn about this year’s faculty: In past years I have been honored and thrilled to be in attendance, but this year my husband and I will be celebrating a landmark wedding anniversary at this time. I hope to return next year!
  2. Once you have determined which agents represent the type of book you write, visit their agency web sites to learn about the company as a whole and how they present themselves to the industry.
  3. Talk to your agented friends to learn about their agents. Referrals are a big part of our business, and the fact you know one or two of their authors gives you a lovely opening for the meeting. But this is not essential. I am not opposed to signing talented authors who don’t know anyone in the industry. But once they are with me, they will have chances to make more connections!

What Should I Highlight?

You probably have a beautiful one-sheet, and I always enjoy seeing those. I suggest being prepared to offer:

  1. An overview of the contents of your book.
  2. One or two sample chapters.
  3. Information on platform. Highlight an ongoing speaking ministry, a strong social media presence where you are interacting with potential readers, and an engaged newsletter readership.
  4. Why your book is written to the current market.
  5. Any news about contest wins and finals. These demonstrate that industry professionals recognize your talent. Did you final in the conference’s contests, for example? If not, no worries. A contest final or win is not mandatory to be a successful author.
  6. Through conferences and/or contests, editors have asked to see more of your work; this is a plus, though not essential.
  7. You have been offered a book contract. Yes, this can happen at a conference, or right before a conference. Just don’t accept the offer until you talk to an agent.

But I’m New and Only Have My Book!

That’s okay! Use this time to meet people in the industry and to talk about your book. Often an agent or editor can brainstorm with you to help you develop a better project. During conference meetings, I have often helped authors in this way.

I have met with some authors several times at different conferences before the time was right for both of us to decide to work together. I’m glad those authors were able to get to know me over a few conferences. However, I work with many authors I’ve only met once at conference, and many others I’ve met through the submissions process only. I suggest meeting as many people as you can. Connect! Have fun!

Bottom line: Try not to stress over a conference meeting. Know that a great project and a professional, lovely spirit will help you land your dream agent.

May the Lord be with you on your conference journey.

It’s not too late to register for 2019 Conference!
To make reservations for BRMCWC 2019 please call 1.800.588.7222

Tamela Hancock Murray has been a literary agent since 2001 and has been involved in the publishing industry for over three decades. She is the bestselling author of more than thirty novels, novellas, and nonfiction books. One of her short historical romance novels,  Destinations, won an RWA Inspirational Readers Choice Award. Tamela is honored to represent many top authors and she continues to develop new talent. She earned her BA with honors in Journalism from Lynchburg College in Virginia. Today she enjoys living in Northern Virginia with her husband of over thirty years. Tamela and her husband are the proud parents of two lovely adult daughters. An avid reader, Tamela can often be found perusing anything from obscure religious texts to the latest bestseller. Tamela loves meeting with authors. Whether you are new to the business, a multi-published author, or somewhere in between, she looks forward to meeting you!

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