Meet Your Writing Deadline

by Lucinda Secrest McDowell, @LucindaSMcDowel

Last fall I submitted the manuscript for my twelfth book. On time. Whew!

Because it was on a fast track, and I had already made several travel plans that could not be cancelled, I wondered if I could do it. Through God’s grace, prayer support, diligent hard work, good health, and a strategy I will share, I made it!

In fact, I have never missed a writing deadline.

This is not to brag, just to say that as a professional writer, I take contracts seriously and my writing even more seriously.

But I don’t take myself too seriously.

When I commit to write a book, an article or guest blog, I am plugging into the intricate scheduling of someone else – a publishing house, a magazine or a website. They are counting on receiving my work and they, too, have committed to me that it will be published.

If I fail to follow through in a timely and appropriate manner, my actions could set into motion unfortunate consequences that might reflect poorly on my integrity and their house.

This is the part of a writer’s life that you don’t want to hear. You may be thinking that I am haughty, judgmental or lacking grace. I assure you, this is not the truth. I live every day dependent on God’s grace in my life and seek to offer it freely to others.

One day I may need to ask a publisher for an extension of a deadline, due to an emergency or illness or crisis. And, believe me, I will do so! There are many circumstances in life that are simply beyond our control. And my professional exception is that “family trumps everything.” So, yes, sometimes we have to negotiate a new deadline.

A few years ago, a publisher invited me to write another Bible Study for them and I was so honored that they had liked the first three I had written, that I immediately said “Yes!” After outlining the new book, but before I had actually signed the contract, I realized my decision had been precipitous. My two daughters were getting married within six months of each other and I wanted to be totally free to focus on our family. So I contacted the publisher, who was most understanding, and suggested several other suitable authors for that study. In fact, the one who ended up writing it was brilliant. I felt a tinge of embarrassment, but knew I had chosen rightly.

However, running late due to my own choices is something altogether different.

Here is my strategy for meeting deadlines:

1. Think carefully and prayerfully about the deadline date which has been proposed.

For this book, I had to ask for a date change in the contract, but one that would still enable the publisher to get the book out on schedule. To compromise, I told them I would submit the first half of the book halfway through so they could begin editing. It worked.

2. Pray.

I cannot emphasize this enough. Write down your prayer for this project, your concerns, your hopes and dreams. The names of the people you know that will take your words and make them into a book, or help it get into readers’ hands. Pray for those who must live with you at this time. Enlist your family, friends or Bible Study group to pray for you and keep them informed on your progress.

3. Construct a dedicated calendar for the project, starting now and ending on the due date.

First write in everything that is non-negotiable – work times, trips scheduled that cannot be changed, children’s recitals etc. I also marked down one night a week as a date with my husband, and one night weekly with my special needs adult son. Now look at the spaces of writing time. This is what you have to work with, so plan wisely.

4. Divide your project into chapters or sections and begin filling in those spaces.

Do not neglect the early time of research which often takes longer than you expect. Also, give yourself ‘recovery’ spaces after a trip or event because you will need to settle back in and gear up for the project. Every day try to meet your goal. If you don’t meet your goal that day, try to catch up or redo your calendar.

5. Research. Outline. Write the book. Rewrite the book. Edit. Rewrite the book.

Confirm details on all the footnotes (this book had 284 citations). Write the back pages. Read over and Submit!

There will be more –much more –before your words become a book. The editor at your publishing house will send you edits and you may be crushed by what they deleted or added. But you will confer with them and together you will produce a better read. The graphic designers will create a cover and inside design which I hope you will love, or at least choose to embrace graciously.

But you will have done your part. Writing is work. It is not a hobby. I loved writing this latest book– “Dwelling Places – Words to Live in Every Season” – because I delight in exploring the words from God’s Word. And because I have a passion to share how to live in God’s presence and peace.

It was a joy to write. But it was work. Please know I write this blog with all humility, utterly grateful to God’s grace and mercy that I met my deadline. It seems to be a miracle each time I do. May my suggestions help you as well.


Lucinda Secrest McDowell, M.T.S., is the author of 12 books, contributing author to 25 books, and has published in more than 50 magazines. Her books and studies include: Dwelling Places (June 2016 Abingdon Press), Live These WordsAmazed by GraceQuilts from HeavenRole of a Lifetime, God’s Purpose for YouBetter Together and 30 Ways to Embrace Life.

A graduate of Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and Furman University, she also studied at the Wheaton Graduate School of Communication. A member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association (AWSA), Lucinda received “Writer of the Year” awards from both Mt. Hermon and Blue Ridge Writers Conferences. Cindy speaks internationally through her ministry “Encouraging Words” and co-directs the New England Christian Writers Retreat

Lucinda is a storyteller who delights in weaving grace and mercy into ordinary life situations. Known for her ability to convey deep truth in practical and winsome ways, she writes from “Sunnyside” cottage in New England. Having grown up in nearby Montreat NC, she attended the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference in the mid-1980s and is thrilled to be returning as faculty! Visit her online home and blog at

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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Terry Whalin says:


    Thank you for these important insights about meeting deadlines. Writers are notoriously late and as an editor, I’ve had many writers call me asking for extensions. As a writer, I’ve written all night to meet a book deadline and not ask for an extension–so I know what it takes firsthand to meet a book deadline. I agree with you that it’s part of being a professional writer.

    author of 10 Publishing Myths, Insights Every Author Needs to Succeed