Freedom Friday

By Vincent B. Davis II, @vbdavisii

21 Million people.

21 and six zeroes after it. No, I’m not talking about the population of Florida. I am talking about the number of estimated slaves in the world.

But those numbers were from 2016. Recent studies have estimated the amount to be even higher. The Walk Free Foundation projects 45.8 million, and CNN posted an article on Wednesday (September 20th, 2017) that states that 40 million is a likely number, including such conditions as child labor, early or forced marriage, sex slavery, forced migrant labor, bonded labor, and slavery by decent.

Perhaps these numbers are inflated. We could only hope and pray that were true, but even shaving off a few million would equal the entire population of California.

Although slavery has been illegal throughout the entire planet since 1981, the problem is growing. The amount of estimated slaves is at an all time high.

I think it is easy to become so preoccupied with the state of affairs in our own country that we neglect the state of mankind. And that isn’t to say that America is free of slavery, either. Forced marriage and migrant exploitation can be seen within our very borders.

So why am I talking about all this? Why, on a writing blog, am I sharing this data?

Because I believe, as writers, we are abusing the blessings God has given us if we do not use our voice to raise awareness about things that matter. Whether you are a New York Times Best Seller or writing your first draft, you have a platform.

As writers, we must have the ability to grab and maintain people’s attention for hours, days, and weeks. And in the world of Netflix and Facebook, that is no easy task. If people don’t believe you can offer them value with the words you say and write, they’ll never give you a chance.

But since we have that platform, why not use it for good? My uncle Jack is the best story teller I’ve ever met, but he isn’t a writer. He doesn’t have a platform to spread a message. But as authors, we are given that opportunity. We shouldn’t waste it. If our only goal is to spin tall tales, we are being negligent with a very precious gift.

The most valuable think you ever write might not be within the pages of a book. It could very well be the thing you write directly to your audience that calls them to action, to leave the world a better place.

These statistics should unnerve all of us. That being said, there are a lot of unnerving things in the world. As Christians, we are supposed to care about the things that God cares about. But our hearts are limited in their capacity to feel. There are certain things that will break our hearts, and they might be different for each one of us. Based on our experiences, the things we’ve seen, and what we have heard from the people around us, different things are placed on our hearts. For some it might be spousal abuse and women’s rights, for others it might be abortion. Some of you may stay up at night with concerns about Global Warming, homelessness, or child abuse.

So, for the 3rd Friday of each month, I will be posting a blog that will call attention to different problems the world is faced with, and things that we can do about it. Whatever it is that breaks your heart, I encourage you to act on it, and use your God given platform to shed light on that.

This series has begun at a optimal time to discuss slavery. This upcoming Sunday, September 24th, 2017, is Freedom Sunday. Churches around the world will be joining the International Justice Mission to raise awareness about modern day slavery. If God has laid this on your heart, I encourage you to join them, and use #freedomsunday when appropriate.

As I attempt to use my own platform, I am pledging all royalties earned by the Thirteenth Press, LLC on the third Sunday of each month to Rapha House, or another organization seeking to fight against modern day slavery. This is just one small thing that we as authors can do to aid in the causes we believe in.

What will you do to join in the fight? Feel free to sound off in the comments below. Our staff here at Blue Ridge will certainly keep you in our prayers as you begin or continue your calling.


Fiona David of the Walk Free Foundation says, “We know that if there are 40 million people in modern slavery, only tens of thousands of victims are being helped.”

I believe with the voice of the BRMCWC family, and the voices of the people we reach, we can increase that percentage.

Vincent B. Davis II is an entrepreneur, soldier, and freelance writer. In December 2016, he founded Thirteenth Press, LLC. His first novel, “The Man with Two Names” is available on Amazon now. You can connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or on his website at vincentbdavisii.comHe loves hearing from other authors! If you would like to be featured on, e-mail him at with the subject line “Blog Query”.


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    The Conversation

  1. Dee says:

    Amen and well-said, Vincent!! My name is Dee. I work with Christian Author D.I. (David) Telbat.
    This is exactly what he has felt and done for several years. His first novels were used to bring attention to the Persecuted Church worldwide. He did this by creating a fictional Christian special forces team to go in to rescue persecuted Christians. Mingling true facts throughout his novels has increased awareness of the persecuted in his readers.
    And praise the Lord, he has used his next set of novels to bring attention to the plight and rescue of child soldiers.
    I agree, authors should be using their gifts and platforms to bring awareness of these heartbreaking issues in our world today. I am humbled to be a small part of this endeavor.
    Thank you for your post. God bless you as you continue the fight.

  2. Ruth Marquez Allender says:

    I applaud your call to action. The temptation to focus on building a platform for ourselves is real in our community.

  3. Leslie Payne says:

    Great post, Vince. I have committed to donating money earned from “The Legacy of Nobody Smith” to a ministry that runs a residential rehab program for homeless men in Baltimore. I’m amazed how I get so blessed in the process of giving.