Find Writing Ideas in 7 Unexpected Places

by Alycia Morales @AlyciaMorales

Every writer needs ideas for stories. Or encouraging nonfiction books. Online articles. Blog posts. Especially on days we just don’t feel like writing. Those days when we find ourselves staring at a blank screen. Or we feel like we’ve run out of interesting things to say.

1. The Airport:

Not everyone gets to fly to different places on a regular basis. I don’t. But when I do, I find interesting things happening all around me. People come in all shapes and sizes, have all different tastes and interests. There’s no better place to realize this than the airport. Next time you fly somewhere, take a few moments to remove your headphones and look up from whatever you’re reading or working on and people watch. You may find something sparks a new story idea.

2. Eavesdrop:

You heard me correctly. We’re taught from a young age that it’s inappropriate and most-of-the-time rude to listen in on other people’s conversations. But as writers, it’s a great way to learn how to write better dialogue. Eavesdropping can provide some rather interesting fodder for your next book. One time I was at an airport, and a lady yelled at a child, “I’ve got headphones and I’ll use them!” as a threat when the child wouldn’t stop running circles around her. Another airport incident involved a woman crying on the phone about a recent breakup. Yep. Eavesdrop, my friends. Listen for something to spark a story. Or a lesson.

3. Do the Dishes:

I get more story ideas at the kitchen sink than anywhere else. Except maybe the shower. These are great places to plot your novel, develop your characters, or consider life and all its lessons. It’s also a great place to hear from God.

4. Take Some Quiet Time:

The Lord is the ultimate Creator. What better place to find inspiration than in quiet time with Him?

5. Do Something New:

Life gets dull when it’s the same-old, same-old every day. So can our writing when we have nothing new to add to it. If you find yourself stuck in a rut, try something new. It can be as simple as switching crafts and as complicated as taking a trip out of the country, state, or your hometown that you’ve never left before. Go to a writer’s conference if you haven’t already. But do something new. Get your creative juices flowing again!

6. Exercise:

Restore both your physical and creative energy by getting some exercise. I know a lot of authors who enjoy their time on their treadmills or at the gym or doing Zumba or yoga. It helps keep them and their careers healthy. I personally enjoy walking or hiking.

7. Get a Part-time Job Outside Your Home:

For some, this is impossible, and I completely understand that. But I recently had to take a part-time job. So I chose a place I knew I’d love being all day and would have flexible hours. Enter Hobby Lobby. It’s hard not to have new writing ideas when you work in a place made for creatives. Dealing with people. Serving others. There are plenty of character lessons one can develop when working with the public. Trust me.

What are some places you like discovering new writing ideas? Have any of these peeked your interest? We’d love to hear from you in the comments below!

Alycia Morales is a freelance editor and writer. Her writing has been in Thriving Family magazine, Splickety Love, and several compilation books. Her editing clients have won several awards for their manuscripts, including finalist in the Selah Award. She is also a conference assistant for the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference.

When she isn’t busy hanging out with her writing friends, her husband, and her four children, Alycia enjoys reading, watching TV, hiking, and crafting.

Follow Alycia at her blogs, Life in the Mothership,  Life.Inspired. and The Write Editing. She can also be found on Instagram and Pinterest.

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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. Del Bates says:

    Great article… and yes, like you, I get so many ideas in the shower! blessings to you, Del