Do You Need a Writing Coach?


C.S. Lewis did not write behind closed doors and hide his manuscripts from the rest of the world. Rather he and other renowned Christian friends formed the Inklings, a group destined to encourage each other in spiritual and writing disciplines. They read their work aloud and met for almost twenty years. That’s impressive.

Nothing is more difficult than hearing our work read from the lips of another writer or having our work critiqued by a professional writer. But it’s how we learn.

  • A serious writer adheres to the following:
  • Writes everyday
  • Seeks purpose in a prayerful environment
  • Studies the how-to books
  • Attends conferences and workshops
  • Reads in the genre the writer wishes to write
  • Views social media as a means of communicating value to others

But where does a writing coach fit? A few things to consider is this:

  1. When you decided it was time to drive a car, did you have an instructor?
  2. When you struggled with math, did you find a tutor?
  3. When you became a Christian, were you given the Holy Spirit and perhaps someone to disciple you?

Doesn’t it make sense to find a coach when the writer embarks upon the journey of publication? Here are 7 reasons why:

  1. The writer develops good habits instead of bad ones.
  2. The writer learns from a seasoned writer.
  3. The writer grows rhino skin in the face of difficult critiques.
  4. The writer understands the value of hard work.
  5. The writer appreciates a cheerleader in his/her court.
  6. The writer understands the writing coach or mentor is a prayer warrior.
  7. The writer sees that one day she will be able to help another writer.

The moment a writer chooses to become a writer is the time to initiate a writing coach. Hold on tight until the book is finished, edited, submitted, and feedback is provided. In short, your writing coach I can be your career’s best friend.

Have you experienced a writing coach who refused to allow you to create mediocre writing? How did the coach challenge and inspire you?

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. Firewall, the first book in her Houston: FBI series, was listed by Library Journal as one of the best Christian Fiction books of 2014.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Suspense Sister, and International Thriller Writers. She is co-director of The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference and The Author Roadmap with social media specialist Edie Melson. She teaches writing workshops around the country.

DiAnn is very active online and would love to connect with readers on Facebook:, Twitter: or any of the social media platforms listed at

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    The Conversation

  1. Cherrilynn says:

    DiAnn, I had an editing coach. I asked him to be hard on the writing. He was hesitant because he didn’t want to hurt my feelings. I told him you’re not attacking me you’re helping me become a better writer. I learned so much, and now I pass that on to other writers.

  2. Have been blessed with a wonderful writing coach, who has proven to be more mentor, friend, and prayer partner, than coach since 2017. While critique partners and sessions in my Christian writers group are quite helpful; my coach’s greatest value has been in finding my “lazy writing habits” and helping me learn to navigate the publishing world. I pray for her each day.

  3. Charla says:

    How does a writer interact with a writing coach? Is this a contractual relationship where a writer submits pieces to a coach for feedback? Does the coach assign writing challenges?

  4. Liana George says:

    I found my writing coach, Sandra Byrd, from a similar article you wrote a few years ago. I’m so grateful that I have her helping me. There’s no way I could have gotten through the novel writing process without her wisdom, guidance and encouragement. I strongly believe in a coach to help you on the journey. Thanks for this article!