Dedicate Your Life to Prayer

By DiAnn Mills @DiAnnMills

Welcome to Faith Friday, week two of our Adventure with God for writers. We will continue with the letter D of the acrostic for A D V E N T U R E.

The letter D of adventure is a reminder to dedicate our lives to prayer. Isn’t it grand to know our God desires to hear from us? He’s not concerned about the words we use, our physical posture, the amount of money we’ve given, the number of publications, or a specific time of day. He already knows what’s on our hearts, so fancy words aren’t necessary. He has all the resources, and time for Him is of another realm. The posture that pleases God is humility, and the when is always.

When Jerry B. Jenkins was interviewing Billy Graham, he asked Mr. Graham how often he prayed. “All the time. I’m praying right now.” That’s what God wants for us: constant prayer with a life dedicated to Him. Too often we wonder if God really hears us. The answer is we listen and God speaks.

Our prayers are not a grocery list for wants or even needs—take care of all my needs, provide a six figure contract, keep me on the bestseller list. Our prayers are a constant conversation with God, ones in which we have access to our sovereign Lord and Creator of the universe. We desire to open our hearts more and not take over the conversation. We need His guidance and wisdom every moment of the day. What God purposes for us may not be what’s troubling us now. He has it all handled, so we trust and we pray.

Staying in tune with God means never being alone. We aren’t lost or forgotten. We have a Friend and Savior who desires the best for us, and the only way to stay connected with Him is to never let him leave our hearts.

The world’s a scary place, and those who seek the end to Christianity are growing. All we need do is turn on media and the enemies of God are at work. Praying for loved ones is easy, but praying for our enemies takes a nudge (grace) from the God who created prayer.

Remember Him first thing in the morning and the last moment of consciousness at night. In between our waking and sleeping hours is plenty of opportunity to thank and praise Him for His provision. All He asks of us is keeping Him first place through a dedication to prayer.

Prayer, better than any wifi connection.

Prayer – Heavenly Father, You long to hear from us, and we need Your love and wisdom every moment of our lives. Amen

Reflection – Matthew 6:1-18 gives us specific instructions about our prayer life. How does God’s view of believers affect you? How does your prayer life reflect the writing ministry?

Do you have a prayer journal, a list of names and the person’s needs with room to record answers? I value a mobile app titled “Prayer Prompter” to keep me organized with Scripture, needs, and comments. My prayer requests are at my fingertips all the time. Here’s the link:

DiAnn Mills

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests. Firewall, the first book in her Houston: FBI series, was listed by Library Journal as one of the best Christian Fiction books of 2014.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Suspense Sister, and International Thriller Writers. She is co-director of The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference with social media specialist Edie Melson. She teaches writing workshops around the country. DiAnn is active online and would love to connect with readers on any of the social media platforms listed at

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    The Conversation

  1. […] to our sovereign Lord and Creator of the universe.” DiAnn Mills talks about why we should dedicate ourselves to unceasing prayer. […]

  2. Bruce Brady says:

    Thanks, DiAnn. All too often I hear people describe prayer as a “want list.” We all need to understand that “prayer” is just a fancy word for “conversation.” We spend all day conversing with others, or ourselves. God just wants us to include Him in the conversations with a heart that places Him first. I’ve discovered when we do this, He will speak through us the words others need to hear–even when we don’t know they need to hear them.

    God bless you.