A Checklist for Blogging AFTER You Hit Publish

by Edie Melson @EdieMelson

Yesterday I shared A Checklist for Blogging Before You Hit Publish.  But publishing a post doesn’t mean our work is done.

There are even more things you can do then that make a big difference in how many people it reaches. This week I’m sharing how to continue that momentum with 9 things to do after you hit publish.

  1. Check your inbox and make sure your post actually went out on time. I sign up for email updates for my blog as a safety net. That way, I know if a post doesn’t go out as scheduled.
  1. Click on your site and give the post a final once-over proofread and format check. I don’t care how many times I proof a post, I almost always find something that needs tweaking after it’s gone live.
  1. Schedule an update to go out on your social media networks. I try to schedule my updates later in the day because the email notification about my blog posts go out in the morning. By spacing out the announcements, I’ll reach more people.
  1. Come back regularly during the day and answer comments. If you’ve ended the post with an open-ended question or call to action, it’s rude not to come back and join the conversation.
  1. Keep an eye out for social media updates that tag your post. Thank and/or answer the people who mention your site. If you get a lot of mentions, consider answering them in a single list post like this:

Thanks for the mention @AneMullign @DiAnnMills @SharronCosby

Or just choosing one or two like this:

Thanks for the mention @CathySBaker @LoriRoeleveld
and everyone who took time to drop by!

  1. Check the people who share your post on social media and make sure you’re following them. If you have time and what they offer is appropriate, look for a way to share something of theirs.
  1. Study the comments the post gets and look for any missing information you need to add. For instance, in 15 Things to do Before You Hit Publish, there were several comments asking for a printable list. I went back in add a link to the list (and I’ve done that for this post).
  1. Mine your comments for possible future blog post topics. Again, when readers asked for a printable list, they also asked how I did that. Because of that, I’ll be posting a tutorial on how to host a document on Google Drive as an upcoming blog post.

These are things you can do to make sure your blog post reaches as far and wide as possible. What would you add to this list? Be sure to leave your suggestions in the comments section below.

Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website,  through FacebookTwitter and Instagram.

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  1. Melissa Henderson says:
