25 Ideas for Your Memes

by Alycia W. Morales    @AlyciaMorales

Memes (pronounced meem, not me me) are not only fun to share, they’re fun to create. So what should one do with a meme? What types of memes should we make? What exactly are they useful for?

10 Things to Do with Memes:

  1. Share your meme on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  2. Create a Tumblr blog and create memes just to share there.
  3. Use your meme in your blog post.
  4. Create a special meme just for your newsletter subscribers, and only use it in your newsletter.
  5. Print out your memes and give them away at conferences.
  6. Print out your memes and send them with your novel ARCs or to your street team/launch team/dream team.
  7. Create special memes to send to contest winners.
  8. Make a meme with a family picture and send it as your annual Christmas card.
  9. Use memes as a section divider in your scrapbooking projects.
  10. Turn memes into magnets and include your blog address on them. Use them for advertising for your blog.

15 Topics for Memes:

  1. Your blog post title.
  2. Your favorite quote.
  3. Your favorite Scripture verse.
  4. A quote you’ve created in your writing.
  5. Something your pastor said at church that really struck you as meaningful.
  6. Something you heard during a keynote at the writing conference.
  7. Funny thought for the day.
  8. Something funny your child has said.
  9. A holiday wish list.
  10. What you are incredibly thankful for.

5 Things You Can Make Multiple Memes About:

  1. Your pet peeve.
  2. Something you’re an expert at.
  3. A life lesson you’re learning.
  4. A series of Scriptures
  5. Pets

For more information about creating memes, visit Edie’s blog, The Write Conversation.

What are some of your favorite memes? Share a link with us in the comments. [reminder]

Alycia W MoralesAlycia W. Morales is an award-winning freelance editor and author. Her clients have won the Selah Award, BRMCWC Director’s Choice Award, and many others. Her writing has been published in Thriving Family magazine, Splickety Love, and several compilation books. She is a member of ACFW, the president of Cross n’ Pens critique group, and a BRMCWC Conference Assistant.

Alycia blogs at The Write Editing and Life. Inspired.

When she isn’t busy writing, editing, and reading, Alycia enjoys spending time with her husband and four children taking hikes in Upstate SC and NC, creating various crafts, coloring in adult coloring books, and watching TV.

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1 Comment

    The Conversation

  1. […] been known to print off my writing memes and hand them out as gifts at writers conferences. So, be sure to visit my post 25 Ideas for Your Memes to find more ideas on how memes can be created and […]