14 Ways to Guarantee Writing Failure


I’ve never met a writer who didn’t SAY they wanted to be successful. And while everyone’s definition of success is different, there are a lot of writers out there who are working hard to avoid success.

The one thing I’ve discovered on my own writing journey is that I’m often my own worst enemy. I’m the person who has—most often—stood between me and achieving my dreams. But if you really don’t want to find success, here are 14 things you can do to guarantee writing failure!


  1. Spend too much time watching TV. There are some great television shows out there right now (Castle, Agents of S.H.E.I.L.D, Bones, are some of my favorites). And while they can provide inspiration, they can also stand between me and writing time. I have to decide which is more important, writing or watching TV.
  2. Spend the majority of your time reading about writing instead of writing. You’ve seen this one a lot on my blog lately. But the reason is that I’m running into this a lot with wannabe writers.
  3. Don’t track the time spent online. It’s easy to lose track of time when you’re surfing the web. Social media (can anyone say Facebook?) is a big sinkhole for time. Because of this, I pay very close attention to the clock when I’m online.
  4. Don’t EVER follow a schedule. I get a lot done during my writing day, and the primary reason is that I follow a schedule. I’ve learned that it’s the best way for me to stay productive with my ADD tendencies.
  5. Avoid setting goals. It’s really hard to get somewhere if you don’t know where you’re going.
  6. Don’t come up with a plan or track writing progress. Just like #5 above. If you don’t have a plan, it’s hard to tell if you’re actually making progress. Beyond that, if you’re not tracking your progress, it’s much easier to get discouraged and give up.
  7. Always rely primarily on inspiration and feeling motivated. Inspiration is great, but perspiration is gold. The transition from writing as a hobby to serious writing comes right here. It’s when a writer can and will put words on paper even when he doesn’t feel like it.
  8. Make unsubstantiated assumptions. Making assumptions is rarely a good idea, and that’s especially true in the publishing industry.
  9. Don’t be willing to wait. Waiting is never fun. And patience isn’t in my arsenal of super powers. But I’ve learned how this business works and waiting is part of it. If you’re willing to wait, good things will come.
  10. Never listen to the experts. I can’t tell you how many times someone has come to me as a freelance editor and paid me to edit a manuscript. Then, completely ignored my advice. I get that it’s our work and we’re in charge, but don’t ask my advice if you’re just going to argue with my expertise. That’s a waste of my time and your money.
  11. Try to apply the advice of EVERYONE who offers it. No this isn’t contradicting #10. Choose the people you take advice from and realize that not every piece of advice is the right thing for you.
  12. Only read passively. Words are our business. Don’t waste an opportunity to learn. Look at the book or article or blog you’re reading as an opportunity to improve. Why do you like it? Why did you choose that book? Don’t pass up what amounts to a free workshop when you read.
  13. Don’t believe in yourself. Ultimately my success and my failure rests with me. If I don’t believe in myself, in the calling and gift that God has given me, then no one else can help me.
  14. Give up too early. This one is related to #9. When I started writing seriously, I was part of a group of women and we were all about the same level. Today, I’m one of the few left. I’m not more talented than the others, I just refused to give up. Talent will only take you so far. Success comes from pig-headed diligence.

This is my list of things to avoid. When have you been your own worst enemy?

Edie Melson is a woman of faith with ink-stained fingers observing life through the lens of her camera. No matter whether she’s talking to writers, entrepreneurs, or readers, her first advice is always “Find your voice, live your story.” As an author, blogger, and speaker she’s encouraged and challenged audiences across the country and around the world. Her numerous books reflect her passion to help others develop the strength of their God-given gifts and apply them to their lives. Connect with her on her website, through Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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    The Conversation

  1. Edie, This post convicted me. I’ve been so busy with editing other author’s writings that I’ve neglected my own. Thank you for the kick in the pants.

    • edie@ediemelson.com says:

      Cherrilynn, that’s a catch 22 for writers who have multiple streams income, so I personally feel your pain. To solve this with my own schedule, I had to designate “client days” and “writing days” to make sure I had time for the calling God has given me. Blessing, E

  2. Lori Hatcher says:

    I agree with all of the above, but your final point has proven to be the factor that divides the successful from the unsuccessful. Anyone can learn writing , social media, and editing, but perseverance comes from within. Most of the writing success I’ve enjoyed is because of perseverance. I’m grateful God gives me the strength to do so.

    • edie@ediemelson.com says:

      Lori, I so agree when I look at my life. I’m happy to tell anyone who asks that the one right thing I’ve done with my career is that I haven’t quit! Blessings, E

  3. Lisa Kibler says:

    I’d add one more thing:
    Don’t get critiqued

  4. Though I need all of this advice, the one I am wrestling with right now is #2. There’s so much I need to learn, it’s easy to spend more time reading than writing.

  5. Heather Adle says:

    #7. What I’m writing requires going back and digging up some emotional pain. Some days, I just don’t have it. I pray, and then just try to get something on the page. Thank you for this tip that the difference between hobby writers and serious ones is that they put words on the page even when they do not feel like it. I’ll keep going!